
Monday 3 June 2019

Ask HN: I need ideas to impress fifth graders with technology

Ask HN: I need ideas to impress fifth graders with technology
14 by dv35z | 10 comments Hello! I need some tech “show and tell” ideas for 5th graders. I've been asked to come to a 5th grade (ages 10-11) at a school with mostly underprivileged kids, from low income, immigrant families. The presenters are encouraged to do a cool "show and tell" about their job, get the kids excited etc. For example, I heard a lawyer set up a fictional courtroom and gave the kids a script to perform. A baker came in and had the kids decorate cupcakes. A FBI agent came in and let the kids try on a bulletproof vest & an FBI windbreaker. I'm a software engineer, now R&D product manager at a cloud platform software company. Aside from programming, I'm into video games, photography, video editing, drones, and similar techy/creative hobbies. I'd love to hear what ideas you all might have to totally wow some kids, get them excited about science/tech... And obviously out-wow any firemen, FBI agents, that might be presenting. Give me a fighting chance anyway!! Thanks!

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